Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (2024)

This Resident Evil 2 Remake Guide shows where to find all Collectible Locations on PS4, Xbox One, PC (15 Mr. Raccoons, 8 Safes and Locks, 6 Inventory Upgrades, 58 Files, 2 Portable Safes, 32 Key Items, 6 Maps,9collectable Weapons). There are 127 Collectibles divided into 7 types and 9 Weapons.

Locating all RE2 Collectibles unlocks the following trophies or achievements:

  • A Waist of SpaceResident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (1)–Expand inventory slots tomax
  • Lore Explorer Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (2)–Read all of the files
  • Vermin ExterminationResident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (3)– Destroy a Mr. Raccoon
  • Complete Vermin ExterminationResident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (4) –Destroy all Mr. Raccoons
  • Master of UnlockingResident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (5)– Open all of the safes and locks in the game

Most Collectibles are missable! Collect them in chronological order as you go through the game.
While Key Items, Maps, Portable Safes, and Weapons are not directly tied to any trophy they are often required to reach a collectible. This game is like a labyrinth and it can be hard to figure out where to go or what to use an item for. Hence this Collectible Guide is written in a Walkhrough format with all important Key Items and Puzzle Solutions included. This will help you get through the first playthrough with ease. Below all trophy-relevant collectibles are color-coded. The ones that aren’t directly tied to trophies are in black.

The game is split into 4 campaigns. Leon-A, Leon-B, Claire-A, Claire-B (“A” is their first playthrough scenario, “B” is the 2nd playthrough). When following this guide you must start with Leon-A because some items are unreachable with Claire and certain key items are different. So be sure to begin with Leon. After finishing Leon’s 1st campaign you unlock Claire-B campaign. Likewise, finishing Claire-A campaign unlocks Leon-B campaign.

You should collect everything on easy difficulty (Assisted Mode). On normal, Mr. X will chase after you very fast which makes the collectible search much harder. On easy he walks very slowly so you can look around without pressure. On hardcore some items have different locations or are completely missing so don’t do this on hardcore!

You can keep track of your Collectibles in the Records Menu. Scroll through the Records list to see the stats that they track. “Lore Explorer” tracks Files, “Complete Vermin Extermination” tracks Mr. Raccoons, “Master of Unlocking” tracks Safes and Locks. After finding a Collectible it gets saved to your Records instantly and there’s no need to collect them again if you die.

Collectible Overview:

  • 6 x Inventory Upgrades
  • 58 x Files
  • 15 x Mr. Raccoons
  • 8 x Safes & Locks
  • 2 x Portable Safe (needed for one of the Inventory Upgrades, but not for the “Master of Unlocking” trophy)
  • 32 x Key Items (needed to advance story and reach certain collectibles)
  • 6x Maps (not needed for collectibles but they help you navigate and find room names on the map where collectibles are located)
  • 9 x Collectable Weapons

A guide by SnowNinjaRaccoon (DK) & PowerPyx

Leon A-Story

It is highly recommended that you start with Leon’s story. That’s because some items are exclusive to his campaign and cannot be reached with Claire. If you start with Claire some story parts will be different and the explanations on key items may not work. Be sure to start as Leon.

Leon’s A-Story includes:

  • 6/6 Inventory Upgrades
  • 40/58 Files
  • 11/15 Mr. Raccoons
  • 8/8 Safes & Locks
  • 2/2 Portable Safe (needed for one of the Inventory Upgrades, but not for the “Master of Unlocking” trophy)
  • 32/32Key Items (needed to advance story and reach certain collectibles)
  • 6/6 Maps (not needed for collectibles but they help you navigate and find room names on the map where collectibles are located)
  • 3/9 Collectable Weapons

[File #1] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] Orientation Letter
Automatically in inventory from the start of the game. You can read it after exiting the shopping area. Open the inventory Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (6) / Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (7) and press Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (8) / Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (9) .

[File #2]Officer’s Notebook
Police Station 1F, Watchman’s Room: Automatic Story Pickup in Police Station, unmissable when you free the officer.

[Key Item #1] Lion’s Medallion (Lion Statue)
Police Station 1F, Main Hall: Combination is Lion, Twig, Eagle.

[File #3]Record of Events
Police Station 1F, Operations Room: North-West of the station.

[Map #1] Police Station 1F Map
Same as above (Operations Room).Map’s don’t count as a file or collectible, they just reveal the in-game map and are useful for navigation.

[File #4][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Uses of Gunpowder
Police Station 1F, West Office: On Desk. Please note that Claire also has a file called “Uses of Gunpowder” in the same place, but hers is counted as a different Collectible. This is because she has different weapons and can craft different ammo so the content of the file is also different. Don’t worry, the Claire Exclusive one will be pointed out again later when we gather her Collectibles on the 2nd playthrough. Justknow that there are two separate “Uses of Gunpowder” files in the game (one per character). Keep playing as Leon and we’ll grab Claire’s on the second playthrough.

[File #5]Operation Report
Police Station 1F, West Office: On side of long desk

[File #6]Rookie’s First Assignment
Police Station 1F, West Office: At end of the long desk

[Safe Lock #1 & #2]
Police Station 1F, West Office:The desk with Rookie’s Assignment file on it has two locks. Code for Desk: Left = NED / Right = MRG. Reward is a part for your handgun.

[Safe Lock #3]
Police Station 1F,West Office: A safe is inside theWest Office. Combination: Left = 9, Right = 15, Left = 7

[Inventory Upgrade #1]
Police Station 1F, West Office: Inside the safe (see Safe Lock #3).

[Mr. Raccoon #1]
Police Station 1F, West Office: On a shelf north side of the room, in the dark. When you turn the audio up you can hear a mechanical sound coming from the Raccoon Collectible when it’s nearby.

[File #7]Storage Locker Terminal Memo
Police Station 1F, Safety Deposit Room: Next to the code terminal.

[File #8]Medical Benefits or Herbs
Police Station 1F, Dark Room: On box next to typewriter save point.

[Safe Lock #4]
Police Station 2F, Shower Room: Combination is CAP. Reward is some ammunition. This is on a locker in the room with the steam.

[File #9]Portable Safe Instructions
Police Station 2F, Shower Room: in the room with the steam where you’re supposed to place a valve.

[Portable Safe #1]
Police Station 2F, Shower Room: You must pick up the portable safe and examine it in the inventory. Press the buttons so they light up in a circle next to each other. Code is randomized for every player. Write down your working combo and keep building on it until you have the circle fully lit with green dots. Contains a Spare Part that is needed for Inventory Upgrade in Safety Deposit Room later on.

[Safe Lock #5]
Police Station 3F: On a locker in the hallway after going upstairs, before picking up blue key (also marked on map via exclamation point). Combination: DCM. Contains some ammo.

[Key Item #2] Blue Key (Spade-shaped Key)
Police Station 3F: On a table in the corridor.

[File #10]To any survivors
Police Station 3F: At the dead end of a hallway, before entering West Storage Room.

[Inventory Upgrade #2]
Police Station 3F, West Storage Room: On a table (also marked on map).On hardcore difficulty it’s not available.

[File #11]Some Guy’s Scribblings
Police Station 3F, West Storage Room: On the same table as the inventory upgrade.

[Map #2]Map: Police Station Upper Floors Map
Police Station 2F, Lounge: Next to unicorn statue.

[Key Item #3] Unicorn Medallion (Unicorn Statue)
Police Station 2F, Lounge: Combination is Fish, Scorpion, Aquarius.

[File #12]Guide Pamphlet
Police Station 2F, Waiting Room: On the counter.

[Safe Lock #6]
Police Station 2F, Waiting Room: Combination for the safe: Left = 6, Right = 2, Left = 11

[File #13]Art Article “The Red Stone”
Police Station 2F, Art Room: On a chair in the room with the statue.

[Key Item #4] Weapons Locker Keycard
Police Station 2F, Art Room: On a small table in the room with the statue.

[Weapon] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] W-870 Shotgun
Police Station 1F, Safety Deposit Room: We’ll do some backtracking to the west side of the police station to use the Weapons Locker Keycard in the Safety Deposit Room. This gives Leon a Shotgun.

[Key Item #5] Key Item: Cutting Tool
Police Station 1F, Fire Escape: After going through the east wing of the 2nd floor Police Station you see a helicopter crash and then after a cutscene the Cutting Tool is on a trash bin in front of you.

[Key Item #6] Round Handle
Police Station 1F, East Office: Inside the east office, which can be entered after opening its door with the Cutting Tool. You need to bring the Handle to the Shower room (where steam blocked your path) on the 2nd floor.

[Key Item #7] Electrical Part
Police Station 1F, East Office: On a table in the middle of the office. Can be used on the door that leads back to the main hall.

[Key Item #8] Battery
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: To get here you need to use the Round Handle on the Shower Room on 2nd floor to turn off the steam blocking your way.

[File #14]Internal Memo
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: Behind a desk, just next to the Battery Key Item.

[Mr. Raccoon #2]
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: In the south-east corner of the office, between a box and PC Screen on the table. Very hard to see, listen for the sound coming from the Raccoon Collectible.

[Key Item #9] Electronic Gadget
Police Station 1F, Operations Room: Use the Cutting Tool to cut open the door in the south of Operations Room (north-west room of police station). Behind the door find the Electronic Gadget and combine it with the Battery to make a Detonator. You can use this on the 3rd floor, West Storage Room, to blow up the Explosive Barricade.

[Key Item #10] Maiden Statue Medallion
Police Statue 3F, West Storage Room: Use the Detonator on the Explosive Barricade. Then enter the combination Woman, Bow, Snake.

[Inventory Upgrade #3]
Underground Facility Middle, Operators Room: In the safe room after first boss fight. In the locker to the right of the Typewriter safe point.

[Map #3][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Police Station B1 Map
Police Station B1, Jail: In the first room of the Jail. You get here after Leon meets Ada.

[File #15][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Memo “Jail Power Panel”
Police Station B1, Jail: Next to Ben’s Cell. It’s at the end of the Jail.

[Key Item #11] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] Tool
Police Station B1, Jail: On table next to our last file.

[File #16]Autopsy Record 53477
Police Station B1, Morgue: Inside Morgue (after going through Kennel).

[Key Item #12] Purple Key (Diamond-shaped Key)
Police Station B1, Morgue: From a corpse that’s in one of the Morgue Freezers.

[Key Item #13] Electronic Part
Police Station B1, Generator Room: Pick up the Boxed Electronic Part and examine it to unbox it, which gives you 1 of 2 Electronic Parts needed for Electronic Door Panel in the Jail.

[File #17]Equipment Disposal Notice
Police Station B1, Firing Range: Inside the Firing Range on table.

[File #18]A Message From Mr. Raccoon
Police Station B1, Firing Range: On the counter.

[Mr. Raccoon #3]
Police Station B1, Firing Range: Stands in the firing range under a shooting target.

[Key Item #14] Box / Car Key
Police Station B1, Firing Range: Pick up the Box and examine it to extract the Car Key. You can use the car key in the garage to open the trunk of a car for a weapon upgrade, just examine the car key to press a button on it when the car is nearby.

[Mr. Raccoon #4] [LEON EXCLUSIVE]
Police Station 1F, Break Room: In the break room, behind the briefcase next to the twin beds.

[Key Item #15] Electrical Part
Police Station 1F, Break Room: On chair in break room.

[Mr. Raccoon #5]
Police Station 2F: In Leon’s Campaign = after using the Square Crank to open the roll-up door next to Art Room // or // In Claire’s Campaign = immediately after exiting Chief’s Office with the heart key.

[Key Item #16] Large Gear
Police Station 3F, East Storage Room: In the middle of the room. You must use this later in the Clock Tower.

[Key Item #17] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] Green Key (Club-shaped Key)
Police Station 1F, Boiler Room: Only Leon can reach this key. After passing through the roof it’s in the Boiler Room.

[Key Item #18] Red Book
Police Station 2F, Library: In the Library by the exit to Main Hall. It’s needed to get the Red Jewel.

[Key Item #19] Statue’s Left Arm / Left Arm with Book / Scepter / Red Jewel
Police Station 2F, Art Room: Go to the Art Room to find the Statue’s Left Arm and combine it with the Red Book (previous item from library) to make the Left Arm with Book. Place it on the Emperor Statue in Art Room. This gives you a Scepter. Examine the Scepter to find a hidden button on it that breaks it and releases the Red Jewel.

[Key Item #20] Bejeweled Box / S.T.A.R.S. Badge
Police Station 1F, Observation Room: Go downstairs north of the Art room. Then use the Green Key (or Red Key with Claire) to open the Observation Room. Pick up the Bejeweled Box and combine it with the Red Jewel. This gives you the S.T.A.R.S. Badge which can be examined to find a hidden button on its back. This turns it into a USB key that can be used on the PC in the S.T.A.R.S. Office to open the Armory. It can also be used much later again after exiting the Sewers to unlock a Special Weapon Case in the Underground Facility.

[File #19]Confiscation Report
Police Station 1F, Observation Room: On a shelf.

[File #20]Letter to S.T.A.R.S. Members
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: Armory in STARS Room. To open it you need the S.T.A.R.S. Badge (which was our last Key Item). Examine the badge in your inventory to find a button on its back that turns it into a USB Dongle. Then put the Dongle in the PC of STARS Office. Now interact with the Screen to unlock the Armory. A weapon is also inside.

[Weapon] [Leon Exclusive] Lightning Hawk Magnum
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: See previous collectible to get this.

[Portable Safe #2]
Police Station 2F, Linen Room: You need the Diamond key (purple color) to open the door to Linen Room, it’s in the long hall between the Lounge and Shower Room where a licker hunts you. After picking up the portable safe examine it in the inventory to open it (all key slots must turn green next to each other in a circle). This gives you the second spare part. Now that we got both of them we can open the lockers in the Safety Deposit Room and get an Inventory Upgrade.

[Inventory Upgrade #4]
Safety Deposit Room: This requires 2 Spare Parts that you found inside the Portable Safes listed above. Place the missing Spare Parts on the broken Keypad and enter number 203 to open the locker with the Inventory Upgrade.

[Key Item #21] Tool
Police Station 1F, Record’s Room. Use the Green Key with Leon to enter the Records Room in south-west corner of first floor (or as Claire, use Red Key). We can use the Tool on the Jack in the Library 2nd Floor to drag the bookshelves and thus reach the Clocktower.

[File #21]Repair Plan
Police Station 3F, Clock Tower: When you enter the clock tower it’s in front of you. You get here through the library by using the Tool (previous collectible) on the Jack and putting 3 bookshelves together so that you can walk over them on the third floor.

[Mr. Raccoon #6]
Police Station 3F, Hallway west of Clock Tower: Go through the door in the west of the Clock Tower to reach a hidden corridor. At the dead end, in the window, is this Mr. Raccoon Collectible.

[Key Item #22] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] Gear Box / Small Gear / Boxed Electronic Part / Electronic Part
Police Station 3F, Clock Tower: Use the Large Gear (which we found earlier in East Storage Room) on the Gear Box in Clock Tower. This reveals a staircase. Take the Large Gear with you, go upstairs, exchange Small Gear for Large Gear (you take the Small Gear out and put the Large Gear back where the Small Gear was). Head downstairs and put the Small Gear in the console. This drops the Boxed Electronic Parts which you can pick up, examine, and open for the Electronic Part. Now that we have 2 Electronic Parts we can return to the Jail (Police Station B1) to solve the Electronic Door Panel Puzzle and get our next File Collectibles.

[File #22][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Ben’s Memo
Police Station B1, Jail, Ben’s Cell: Use the two Electronic Parts to fix the Electronic Door Panel in the Jail. Fix the circuit to open the door to Ben’s Cell, where this file is on a table.

[File #23][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Interview Transcript
Police Station B1, Jail, Ben’s Cell: Automatically from Ben’s Corpse

[Key Item #23] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] Parking Garage Keycard
Police Station B1, Jail, Ben’s Cell: Automatically from Ben’s Corpse

[Mr. Raccoon #7] [LEON EXCLUSIVE]
Sewer Entrance: Immediately after killing the crocodile boss, it’s standing on the side of the sewer in the dark (before going up the ladder)

[File #24][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Sept. Inspection (Week 1)
Ada’s Sequence: While playing as Ada, after hacking twice, in the room where you encounter first Zombie with Ada.

[Mr. Raccoon #8] [LEON EXCLUSIVE]
Ada’s Sequence, Incinerator Room: While playing as Ada, in Incinerator Room, Left Side on the map (on the floor next to the big Incinerator Door).

[File #25][LEON EXCLUSIVE] Sept. Inspection (Week 2)
Ada’s Sequence, Incinerator Room: While playing as Ada, in the Incinerator Room where you need to pull a lever up the stairs.

[File #26]Copy of Emails to Umbrella HQ
Sewers (Upper), Control Room: On table in the Control Room.

[Safe Lock #7]
Sewers (Upper), Control Room:In the Control Room open the locker with code SZF. Reward is some ammo.

[Map #4]Sewers Map
Sewers (Middle), Monitor Room: This is a room with a typewriter save in it.

[File #27]Sewers Company Pamphlet
Sewers (Middle), Monitor Room: This is a room with a typewriter save in it.

[File #28]Unlocking the U-Area Door
Sewers (Middle), Monitor Room: This is a room with a typewriter save in it.

[Key Item #24] T-Bar Valve Handle Tool
Sewers (Middle), Treatment Pool Room: On a box next to cable car.

[File #29]Delivery Receipt
Sewers (Middle), Cable Car Platform: In the north of the Treatment Pool Room, head down the stairs to see this on a box.

[Safe Lock #8 – Final] Sewers (Middle), Treatment Pool Room
The combination is 2-12-8 and it rewards you with a weapon upgrade part. This is the final safe and unlocks the “Master of Unlocking” trophy / achievement.

[Key Item #25] Sewers Key
Sewers (Lower), Path to Bottom Waterway: Use the T-Bar Valve Handle to open the door to the Bottom Waterway. Just before climbing down the ladder to the Bottom Waterway, pick up the key from the wall.

[Mr. Raccoon #9]
Sewers (Lower), Supplies Storage Room: After leaving Bottom Waterway in Sewers, in the hallway that connects to the Supplies Storage Room (before entering that room).

[Key Item #26] Queen Plug / King Plug
Sewers (Lower), Supplies Storage Room: Must use the two plugs in Supplies Storage Room to open the weapons locker. Be sure to take the plugs with you as they’re needed to open the U-Area Door in Monitor Room.

[Weapon] [LEON EXCLUSIVE] Chemical Flamethrower
Sewers (Lower), Supplies Storage Room: Same as above, use Queen Plug and King Plug to open the weapons locker in Supplies Storage Room.

[Inventory Upgrade #5]
Sewers (Upper), Workroom: Use the T-Bar Handle to open the Valve in the Lower Waterway (Lower Sewers), which leads to the Workroom Lift. Take the lift up and you’ll find the Inventory Upgrade on a table.

[File #30]Jazz Festival Flyer
Sewers (Upper), Workers’ Break Room: Use the Sewers Key (which we picked up earlier) to open the door.

[Key Item #27] Rook Plug
Sewers (Upper), Hallway between Workroom and Worker’s Break Room: Now you can finally grab the third (and last) plug. Afterwards, backtrack to the Monitor Room on the Middle Sewers. Three plugs are there already and you need to add your three. The combinations is: Left Wall = Bishop + Rook + Knight / Right Wall = Pawn + Queen + King. This will open the U-Area Door.


After the second G Boss Fight you’re supposed to go to a cable car. This is the point of no return! You’re advised to make a backup save here. At this pointyou can still go back to mostareaswe’ve visited (except Ada section and crocodile boss) and gather any collectible you have missed. So take a look at your records menu and check the records “Lore Explorer”, “Complete Vermin Extermination”so that your numbers match the above guide numbers. After activating the cable car there’s no way back!If you missed something and know what it is, you can also get it on Leon’s B-Scenario playthrough, there you’ll be going through all areas again anyway.

[File #31]Nap Room Log
Laboratory, Reception: In the reception hall of the Laboratory. You come to the Laboratory (new area) after using the cable car in the Sewers (cutscene).

[File #32]ID Wristband
Laboratory, Reception: In the room with typewriter and item box (save point), on the whiteboard.

[Map #5]Research Lab North Area Map
Laboratory, Security Room: Inside security room.

[Mr. Raccoon #10]
Laboratory, Cafeteria: On a table next to the ladder (very dark room, listen for the sound it makes if you can’t see it).

[Key Item #28] Electronic Chip / ID Wristband (General Staff)
Laboratory, Nap Room: Climb up in the Cafeteria to reach the Nap Room. Pick up the Electronic Chip and combine it with the ID Wristband. Now you can open doors around the Lab.

[File #33]Special Forces Recording
Laboratory, North Area: After passing through the door south of the Reception (next to typewriter room), it’s on a corpse. Where you use your ID to open the bridge.

[Key Item #29] Dispersal Cartridge (Solution)
Laboratory, Greenhouse Control Room: Get the Dispersal Cartridge from the Control Room (which will get emptied). Then use the Keypad Terminal in the Control Room. It shows weird signs as buttons. Ladder Code = 3123 / Drug Testing Lab Code = 2067 (note: it shows weird blue signs instead of the numbers on keypad, so just imagine there were numbers on it like a normal keypad or phone). Now that the Machine in Drug Testing Lab is unlocked, put the Cartridge there and fill it to the red line. Then you get a filled Cartridge. You still have to cool it in the Low Temp Testing Lab downstairs.

[File #34]Herbicide Synthesis
Laboratory, Drug Testing Lab: On table.

[Map #6]Map: Research Lab East Map
Underground Section of Greenhouse

[File #35]Somebody’s Note
Laboratory B1, Room south of Lobby: After going through the underground section you’ll get to go upstairs into what looks like a storage room with the lights turned on (connects to Lobby via door). There’s a small note on a chair.

[Key Item #30] Signal Modulator
Laboratory B1, Room south of Lobby: In the switch box on the wall.

[File #36]Wayne Li’s Inbox
Laboratory B2, Low-Temp Testing Lab: On the PC of the Lab. To open the door, examine the Signal Modulator and press Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (10) to put it on the MURF frequency, then line up the graph and insert it in the Circuit Box of the Lounge.

[Key Item #31] Dispersal Cartridge (Herbicide)
Laboratory B2, Low-Temp Testing Lab: Put the Cartridge in the Freezer to turn it into the finished Herbicide, which must be used in the Control Room.

[Key Item #32] ID Wristband (Senior Staff)
Laboratory B1, Greenhouse: Place the Cartridge in the Control Room. Then the plants die and you can collect the Electronic Chip from the dead scientist by the window. Combine it with the ID Wristband to upgrade it to Senior Staff level.

[File #37]Byron Cartwrights Inbox
Laboratory B1, Presentation Room: After getting the Senior Staff Wristband you can access the PC in the Presentation Room.

[Inventory Upgrade #6 – Final]
Laboratory B1, Nap Room: Use the Signal Modulator in the Nap Room to turn on the power. This is the final Inventory Slot Upgrade and unlocks “A Waist of Space” trophy / achievement.

[Mr. Raccoon #11]
Laboratory B1, Nap Room: Same as above.

[File #38]Wayne Li’s Note
Laboratory B1, Nap Room: Same as above.

[File #39]William Birkin’s Inbox
Laboratory B1, Biotesting Lab: After turning on the power in Biotesting Lab (via Signal Modulator), you can view this on the PC.

[File #40]Research Diary
Laboratory B1, P-4 Level Testing Lab: Interact with PC to read this.

Claire A-Story

After finishing Leon’s first playthrough, click on “New Game” in the main menu and select Claire to start over. Do NOT click on “New Game (2nd Run)”, that’s Claire’s B-campaign that we’ll do later instead. If done correctly, Claire should start at the same gas station where Leon started. If you start in a graveyard you clicked on the wrong menu as that would be the B-campaign.

Claire’s A-Story includes:

  • 12/58 Files
  • 3/15 Mr. Raccoons
  • 4/9 Collectable Weapons

[File #41][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Letter from Best Friend
Automatically in inventory fromstart of Claire’s campaign. You can read it after exiting the shopping area, open inventory Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (11) / Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (12) and press Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (13) / Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (14) .

[File #42][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Uses of Gunpowder
Police Station 1F, West Office: It’s in the exact same place as Leon’s “Uses of Gunpowder”. The document is called the same as Leon’s but has different contents (in Claire’s case it explains how to craft Acid Rounds and Submachine Gun because she has different weapons). This counts as a different file from Leon’s even though it has the identical name, so be sure to pick it up.

[Weapon] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]GM 79 Grenade Launcher
Police Station 1F, Safety Deposit Room:Exact same place / requirement as Leon’s shotgun. Requires the keycard from Art Room on 2nd floor.

[Weapon] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]MQ 11 Submachine Gun SMG
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office:In the armory of the STARS Office. Same as with Leon you need the STARS badge and examine it for the USB stick to put in the STARS office computer. To get the STARS badge you had to get the Red Book from Library, combine it with the Statue Hand in Art Room, put it on Statue, get the Red Scepter, examine it for the Ruby, combine the Ruby with the Bejeweled Box in the Interrogation Room.

[File #43][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Raccoon Monthly, June Issue
Police Station B1, Elevator Controls Room: After interacting with the card reader in the garage, the door to this room will be open (where the cop came from).

[Weapon] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]JMB Hp3 Laser Sight Pistol
Police Station B1, Parking Garage: Inside the trunk of a car that requires the car key to open. The car key is found inside a yellow box from the Firing Range, which is just a few meters away also in the same area.

[File #44][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Copy of Emails to Chief Irons
Police Station 2F, Chief’s Office: You come to this office after using the Diamond Key on the Elevator Controls Room and restoring power to the elevator.

[File #45][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Taxidermy Log
Police Station 2F, Chief’s Office: In the middle of the room.

[File #46][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Repair Shop Letter
Police Station 2F, Private Collection Room: On a shelf.

[Mr. Raccoon #12] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]
Police Station 3F, East Storage Room: On the southern end of the East Storage Room is a door with a red heart key lock. You get the red Heart Key from the Private Collection Room. Use it on this door, behind it on a shelf sits the Mr. Coon Collectible.

[File #47][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Sally’s Diary
Sherry’s Sequence: While playing as Sherry, in the hallway outside bedroom (immediately after exiting bedroom where you start with Sherry).

[File #48][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Tom’s Diary
Sherry’s Sequence, Front Hall: While playing as Sherry, in the big front hall after going downstairs.

[File #49][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] _____’s Diary
Sherry’s Sequence, Director’s Room: Next to the typewriter (save point).

[Mr. Raccoon #13] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]
Behind R.P.D., Basketball Court: After using the keycard in the garage you’ll go through a basketball court with lots of dogs trying to attack you. Just after the basketball court is a bus (dogs trying to kill you here). The Mr. Raccoon Collectible is inside the bus by the front window.

[Mr. Raccoon #14] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]
Orphanage, Nursery: Just after the last Coon Collectible you come to the Orphanage with Claire, where the Sherry gameplay sequence took place earlier. You find this collectible in the Nursery on the 2nd floor in a shelf, straight in front of you after entering the room.

[File #50][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Letter from the Director
Orphanage 2F, Bathroom: Inside the Bathroom in which Irons washed his face during Sherry gameplay sequence (you enter through the Nursery).

[File #51][CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE] Report About “G”
Sewers, Office: After finding Sherry in the Orphanage, Mr. X will hunt after you. Then you land in the room called “Office” on the map, which is one small save room with a typewriter and item box in it. The note is on the whiteboard.

[Weapon] [CLAIRE EXCLUSIVE]Spark Shot
Sewers (Lower), Supplies Storage Room: Same place asLeon’s Flamethrower, where you have to solve the Queen Plug / King Plug mini puzzle.

Laboratory, Security Room: On the PC where you put Sherry in bed.

Leon B-Story

In the main menu click on “New Game (2nd Run)” and choose Leon. In the B-campaign you start in a different place and can reach key items in a different order. Puzzles also differ. If you get stuck, refer to the Resident Evil 2 Puzzle Solutions Guide.

Leon’s B-Story includes:

  • 4/58 Files
  • 1/15 Mr. Raccoons
  • 1/9 Collectable Weapons

[Mr. Raccoon #15]
Police Station 1F, Entrance (Starting Area): Hiding in the bushes, on the left side after going up the stairs at the very beginning of Scenario B. This is the final Mr. Raccoon Collectible and unlocks the “Complete Vermin Extermination” trophy / achievement for having found all of them.

[Weapon] [LEON B EXCLUSIVE]M19 Pistol
Police Station B1, Guardroom: At the very start of the B Scenario you have to enter the Guardroom where you spawn (unmissable). In there is this unique pistol.Thegame wants you to pick this up, while not mandatory, it is almost impossible to miss.

[File #53]Scrap of Paper
Police Station 1F, Watchman’s Room: On table in Watchman’s room.

[File #54]Notebook with Missing Page
Police Station 1F, Main Hall: Where Marvin (cop) used to sit in A-Scenario Story.

[File #55][LEON B EXCLUSIVE] Claire’s Memo
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: In the STARS Office. This is only available in Leon’s B-Scenario Story.When you play Claire’s B-Scenario there will be Leon’s Memo in the same place (which we’ll collect on the next playthrough).

[File #56][LEON B EXCLUSIVE] Claire’s Note
Sewers (Middle), Treatment Pool Room: Next to the Cable Car, on the same table where you pick up the “T-Bar Valve Handle” Key Item. In Claire’s B-Scenario there will be Leon’s Note in the same place (which we’ll collect on the next playthrough).

Claire B-Story

In the main menu click on “New Game (2nd Run)” and select Claire. It’s pretty much the same thing as Leon’s second run. By now you’ll know the game and can rush through it, perhaps even combine it with an S-Rank trophy on normal difficulty this time.

Claire’s B-Story includes:

  • 2/58 Files
  • 1/9 Collectable Weapons

[Weapon] [CLAIRE B EXCLUSIVE] Quickdraw Army
Police Station B1, Guardroom:Same as Leon’s M19 Pistol in B Scenario, it’s at the very start of Claire’s B Scenario in the Guardroom, the first room you have to enter.

[File #57][CLAIRE B EXCLUSIVE] Leon’s Memo
Police Station 2F, S.T.A.R.S. Office: In the STARS Office. This is only available in Claire’s B-Scenario Story. Same place as Claire’s Memo in Leon B-Scenario.

[File #58 – Final][CLAIRE B EXCLUSIVE] Leon’s Note
Sewers (Middle), Treatment Pool Room: Next to the Cable Car, on the same table where you pick up the “T-Bar Valve Handle” Key Item.Same place as Claire’sNote in Leon B-Scenario.

Those were all Collectible Locations in Resident Evil 2 (RE2) Remake / Remaster on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Now you should have all collectible related trophies, congrats!


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Resident Evil 2 Remake All Collectible Locations (Mr. Raccoons, Files, Inventory Upgrades, Safes) (2024)
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